Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Realms Unreel

Product Descriptionp/pA man who can't die must learn the secret of death from the woman he loves when she is reborn in the mortal world.brbrThree reasons to love Realms Unreel, in readers' own words:brbr== ONE: It's the perfect escape.brbr“Beautifully crafted and well-plotted. This is a polished, clean-cut, imaginative, and exciting work.”brbr“Auden's descriptions of the worlds she creates are so vivid and mesmerizing, and the characters so enigmatic and full.”brbr“The perfect escape from this reality — a universe unto itself.”brbr== TWO: It's a page-turner.brbr“I found myself completely sucked in as the plot transitioned seamlessly from character background to futuristic world-building to action. The story is absolutely gripping, with well-balanced exposition and intriguing characters.”brbr“While reading it, I got chills more than once, and my heart raced all the way through the final chapter.”brbr“Just finished after reading pretty much non-stop for a day. It was wonderful. So excited for the sequel!”brbr== THREE: It's a genre-bender.brbr“I am not typically a reader of science fiction, but this book hooked me from the start. Allusions to the global Occupy movement, the Anonymous hacker collective, and fundamentalist religion are interwoven with themes mined from a global history of literature and mythology. The book is a thoughtful and entertaining contemplation of the promise of religion and technology as tools for realizing the potential of humanity (for good and bad).”brbr“I’d especially recommend this to anyone who doesn’t always enjoy fantasy, because it combines so many different subjects into one work, including science and technology, adventure, and mystery. Couldn’t speak more highly of this book.”brbr“We could use more books like Snow Crash and more authors developing the cyberpunk sci-fi crossed with fantasy crossed with ancient religions genre. And I say that with only the slightest hint of irony.”brbr=== === === === ===brbrPLOT SYNOPSISbr brDom Artifex watched the woman he loved give up her undying body in exchange for passage into a land beyond Death. Dom was afraid to follow her, and he despairs of ever seeing her again.brbrDom discovers that a strange connection remains between him and his lost love, binding him to each of her reincarnations. Her latest reincarnation is Emmie Bridges, a girl born in the Silicon Valley of the near future.brbrEmmie grows up to become a designer of virtual worlds in a society shaped by pervasive virtual reality technology and the global alternet information network. When Emmie’s beloved mentor is assassinated, leaving Emmie in possession of a mysterious manuscript that Dom believes contains the secret of death, Dom makes contact with Emmie in an effort to obtain both her trust and the manuscript.brbrDespite Dom’s efforts to protect Emmie, the assassin is now looking for her and will stop at nothing to keep the manuscript secret. Emmie must retrace the steps of her past reincarnations through worlds both real and virtual to uncover the secret Dom seeks.brbr=== === === === ===p/pProduct Descriptionp/pA man who can't die must learn the secret of death from the woman he loves when she is reborn in the mortal world.brbrThree reasons to love Realms Unreel, in readers' own words:brbr== ONE: It's the perfect escape.brbr"Beautifully crafted and well-plotted. This is a polished, clean-cut, imaginative, and exciting work."brbr"Auden's descriptions of the worlds she creates are so vivid and mesmerizing, and the characters so enigmatic and full."brbr"The perfect escape from this reality - a universe unto itself."brbr== TWO: It's a page-turner.brbr"I found myself completely sucked in as the plot transitioned seamlessly from character background to futuristic world-building to action. The story is absolutely gripping, with well-balanced exposition and intriguing characters."brbr"While reading it, I got chills more than once, and my heart raced all the way through the final chapter."brbr"Just finished after reading pretty much non-stop for a day. It was wonderful. So excited for the sequel!"brbr== THREE: It's a genre-bender.brbr"I am not typically a reader of science fiction, but this book hooked me from the start. Allusions to the global Occupy movement, the Anonymous hacker collective, and fundamentalist religion are interwoven with themes mined from a global history of literature and mythology. The book is a thoughtful and entertaining contemplation of the promise of religion and technology as tools for realizing the potential of humanity (for good and bad)."brbr"I'd especially recommend this to anyone who doesn't always enjoy fantasy, because it combines so many different subjects into one work, including science and technology, adventure, and mystery. Couldn't speak more highly of this book."brbr"We could use more books like Snow Crash and more authors developing the cyberpunk sci-fi crossed with fantasy crossed with ancient religions genre. And I say that with only the slightest hint of irony."brbr=== === === === ===brbrPLOT SYNOPSISbr brDom Artifex watched the woman he loved give up her undying body in exchange for passage into a land beyond Death. Dom was afraid to follow her, and he despairs of ever seeing her again.brbrDom discovers that a strange connection remains between him and his lost love, binding him to each of her reincarnations. Her latest reincarnation is Emmie Bridges, a girl born in the Silicon Valley of the near future.brbrEmmie grows up to become a designer of virtual worlds in a society shaped by pervasive virtual reality technology and the global alternet information network. When Emmie's beloved mentor is assassinated, leaving Emmie in possession of a mysterious manuscript that Dom believes contains the secret of death, Dom makes contact with Emmie in an effort to obtain both her trust and the manuscript.brbrDespite Dom's efforts to protect Emmie, the assassin is now looking for her and will stop at nothing to keep the manuscript secret. Emmie must retrace the steps of her past reincarnations through worlds both real and virtual to uncover the secret Dom seeks.brbr=== === === === ===
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